Are you looking to advertise your creative writing class? Maybe you’re an English teacher who wants to challenge your students to develop their creative writing skills, or a university offers a fantastic new course and you want to encourage students to sign up. Whatever your reasons, attracting potential students is a key element to consider when planning your class advertisement.
Create Interest
Since you’ll be advertising a specific course, you want to ensure that students know what it is that they’re signing up for. To do this, you want to create interest. What does that mean? Ask yourselves questions about the class to see if students are genuinely interested in your program. Does the curriculum sound interesting? Does the description of the teaching staff inspire you? These are all examples of ways to create interest.
Make A Good Advertisement
The key to effective advertising is in creating a good advertisement. That’s not a coincidence. To create a good advertisement, you must first have good content. This is the value that you bring to the table. Your curriculum must be interesting and relevant to prospective students’ lives; the staff must be excellent and capable of delivering high quality material.
Build A List
The best way to attract potential students is through building a list. This is where you’ll find students who are interested in your program and who you can contact easily. You can do this by creating an online profile for the class, setting up a blog for the course, or even just putting in the time to build a small community of interested readers. Make sure that you’re actively engaging with your audience. Look for areas where you can provide value, and be consistent in your efforts. Over time, you can see your list grow, as well as your enrollment rate.
Consider Traditional And Digital Ads
Depending on your budget, you may want to consider traditional advertising, such as newspaper ads or flyers posted around the neighborhood. You should also look at online marketsplaces, such as HubSpot Blogger, where you can find affordable, relevant advertisers who may be able to reach your target audience.
Remember The End Goal
When you develop a plan to advertise your creative writing class, it’s essential to keep the end goal in mind. Do you want to just get your word out there? Are you interested in attracting students from across the country? Consider carefully what you want to achieve and stick with it. Changing your tactics midstream may lead you to plateauing in your results. Think of this goal as a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the process and have fun with it, but keep in mind what you’re aiming for.
Create A Community
A big part of attracting potential students is establishing a community. When you have a vibrant community, you can rest assured that you’ll have engaged students who are interested in your class. This is especially important if you’re an independent study program, as you’re often times unable to gauge student’s interest in the subject matter easily.
Establishing a community around a creative writing class is a fantastic way to engage students. It can be as simple as establishing a Facebook group for the class, or you can take it a step further and make it a place where students can share their work, provide and receive feedback, and build a community of writers.
The Final Step
When you’ve developed a plan and executed it well, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the results. Your advertising efforts may have led to a steady stream of interested students who have a burning desire to take your class. Now, all you have to do is craft an excellent curriculum, and ensure that the students learn as much as possible while having fun.