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Home » Creative Writing Assignment: Who Would You Have Dinner With – Dead or Alive?

Creative Writing Assignment: Who Would You Have Dinner With – Dead or Alive?

Halloween is just around the corner… Are you ready for some scary stories? In celebration of Halloween, I have a writing assignment for you:

Write a letter to a famous literary character (dead or alive) – and don’t say hello or goodbye!

The letter should be no more than two or three pages, and it should be in first person (as if you were chatting with the character).

Here are some literary characters you can choose from:

  • Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice
  • Sherlock Holmes – A Study in Scarlet
  • Jack the Ripper – The Life and Crimes of Jack the Ripper
  • Herman Melville – Billy Budd
  • George Orwell – 1984
  • William Shakespeare – The Life of William Shakespeare
  • Edgar Allan Poe – The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • Friedrich Nietzsche – Beyond Good and Evil

You get the idea – write a letter to any famous literary character. You get creative, and try to write a letter that will leave the reader frightened or curious about the character.

I will provide you with some literary short stories that are perfect for this assignment. Go ahead and get inspired!

Dead Or Alive?

Before I forget, I want to remind you that this is a creative writing assignment – so feel free to be as imaginative as you can!

You have until the end of the week to complete this assignment, so be sure to check back often to see how others are approaching this task.

Good luck!