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What to Do With Your BA in Creative Writing

You’re in college and excited about all of the opportunities that your degree in creative writing will open up for you! You’re convinced that this is the right career choice for you and your major textbook is filled with inspiring examples of famous authors who started out their careers with a bachelor’s in creative writing.

While it’s great to have confidence in your decision, you must also prepare yourself for the realities of working in creative writing. Finding work in this area can be difficult, and the competition is great! You’ll need to find ways to stand out from the crowd and convince potential employers that you’re the right person for the job.

Why Creative Writing?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about half of all jobs in the United States are considered creative. Professional writers and editors, drama and musical theatre workers, and artists performing in galleries and museums are among those counted in this statistic.

If you’re passionate about writing, then it’s a clear choice โ€” get your degree and be prepared to work in one of the most in-demand industries in the country! But, if writing is not your strong suit, then you might be better off considering a field in which you have an advantage: research.

Many of the jobs in creative writing are considered entry-level positions, and they don’t pay well. But the benefits of getting a degree in this area are clear: you’ll have the opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in the industry while also gaining valuable job skills!

What Will You Study After Graduating From Bachelors in Creative Writing?

Depending on how many years it takes you to graduate from your bachelor’s degree, you may end up studying for several more years after that to obtain your master’s degree. But no matter what, you’ll want to make sure that you’re prepared for the working world of creative writing.

Once you’ve graduated from college, you may decide to look for a master’s degree in creative writing or literature. Consider pursing a dual degree or completing a graduate certificate program in publishing if you’re looking to land a job in traditional book publishing. Digital marketing and social media management are also popular career choices for recent graduates looking for that all-important first job.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to make your way in the industry as a fiction writer, you may want to consider a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. This is a more advanced degree, which focuses on the craft of writing and the theory behind it all.

You’ll need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to complete this degree. Though it’s a popular choice with recent graduates, getting an MFA in Creative Writing can take several years.

What Will You Do With Your MBA From Business?

If you’re looking to take your career in a different direction, then an MBA from a reputable business school can put you in a better position to do so. If you’re considering an MBA, you may want to consider an entry-level position in marketing or communications. But, if you’re looking to break out on your own, then become a manager or partner in a business.

A business administration degree will give you the skills necessary to succeed in a variety of positions, whether you choose to work in a traditional business environment or in a newly formed one (like a social media marketing agency).

A reputable business school will also give you the tools necessary to analyze various markets and understand the theory behind marketing strategies. An MBA will prepare you to be a leader in your field whether you’re managing a team of marketers or working autonomously. And with the right guidance, an MBA can even put you in an advantageous position to start your own business.

Career Chops

Once you’ve decided that you want to work in creative writing, it’s time to start thinking about how to get there. As with any other job, you’ll need to approach your career in creative writing with a sense of excitement but also some amount of practicality. The following are some tips to get you started.

1. Start A Blog

If you’ve been following the writing industry for any amount of time, then you probably know that many writers get their start with a blog. It’s a great way to gain experience and establish yourself as an expert in your field. If you’ve decided that working in creative writing is right for you, then you should certainly consider starting a blog!

If you’re looking for inspiration, then consider the work of others. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel โ€“ many successful bloggers create content for other platforms (like Medium) and use their own blog simply as a way to keep track of their writing. Don’t be afraid to get inspired by others if you want to write a blog!

2. Join A Society

There are many literary societies that you can join, whether mainstream or academic. Many of these societies hold events throughout the year, some of which are open to the public and others that are only for members. Becoming a member of a literary society will give you the opportunity to meet other writers and share your work with an audience!

Joining a literary society will also give you a chance to meet professionals in your field, both behind the scenes and in front of the camera! By connecting with others in your industry, you may even be able to find allies or mentors who can help you get your career off the ground.

3. Look At Job Boards

Most universities have career services that can put you in touch with professionals who can help you navigate the working world of creative writing. Many of these services can also put you in touch with potential employers who are seeking staff writers.

Additionally, many online job boards like and maintain databases of freelance writers and editors who are looking for work. In these databases, you can find job listings from some of the biggest brands in the world, as well as small businesses looking to hire a PR or marketing representative.

4. Read A Lot

If you want to find quality content to publish, then you should certainly consider reading a lot. Reading widely allows you to find ideas for stories and helps you understand what the industry is looking for. Furthermore, by reading, you can find inspiration for your own writing โ€” whether it’s a short story for your own amusement or a novel that you decide to finish after all!

5. Customize Your Resume

A good resume is essential for getting ahead in any industry. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, then you should certainly consider making your resume stand out! Many resumes are just a list of job titles with no explanation as to what the person has actually done. To spice things up, you can add in a little bit of storytelling to make your resume more engaging and help jumpstart the hiring process.

If you’ve decided that working in creative writing is right for you, then you should certainly consider putting the time in to make yourself a stronger candidate for the job. With quality writing and the proper research, you’ll be able to show employers that you’re the right person for the job and set yourself up for a successful career!